Book Review: The Dog Cancer Suvival Guide

Cover of The Dog Cancer Survival GuideThe Dog Cancer Survival Guide: Full Spectrum Treatments to Optimize Your Dog’s Life Quality and Longevity
by Dr. Demian Dressler, DVM with Dr. Susan Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology)

I don’t know why I waited so long to finally read The Dog Cancer Survival Guide, except that for years it was only available as an e-book and apparently I’m still old fashioned enough that the idea of reading an entire book on my computer wasn’t appealing at all. Or, maybe I’m a book snob and thought that it might not be as “credible” as other animal cancer books available in hard copy. It had intrigued me though, and I had followed Dr. Dressler’s blog posts for a while, and often liked what he had to say.

So, the day I found out that The Dog Cancer Survival Guide was coming out in paperback and was available through, I ordered my copy right away – and I am SO glad that I did

Without question, the most comprehensive book related to dog cancer out there, The Dog Cancer Survival Guide takes you through everything from the initial flood of emotions after a cancer diagnosis, through conventional and holistic treatment options, diet, pain management and even end-of-life-care.  And it’s written from a very down-to-earth perspective that I think will appeal to many pet parents out there. It’s jam-packed with useful information, balanced advice and practical solutions, but never feels overwhelming or overly technical. And, because The Dog Cancer Survival Guide was written with the help of Dr. Susan Ettinger, DVM, Dip. ACVIM (Oncology), the reader gets the benefit of both a conventional/holistic vet’s perspectives as well as a board-certified cancer expert’s. So, in reading each section, you feel very confident that you are getting the WHOLE story, and it may also help you better understand where your own medical team is coming from when you talk with them during the course of your dog’s cancer treatments.

Some of my favorite parts of the book include the section on how pet parents’ emotions affect their dogs during treatment and simple exercises that can be done to help cope with the stress and fears that usually accompany a cancer diagnosis, as well as the advice on how to work successfully with your medical team.  These are topics that are rarely covered in depth in other books you will find on treating your dog with cancer.  There is also a detailed listing of chemotherapy drugs and their typical side effects, as well as common cancer supplements and how they can be used (as well as when they should NOT be used). There is also an entire section towards the back of the book written by Dr. Ettinger on 12 of the most common types of canine cancer and her recommendations regarding conventional treatment options.

All in all, The Dog Cancer Survival Guide really lives up to its name and should definitely be one of the first books that pet parents look for after their dog has been diagnosed with cancer. My copy is already filled with highlighter marks and notes about things that I found helpful – I can only imagine that if I were still in the middle of Georgia’s cancer treatments, I would probably just carry it around on a string around my neck all the time because I would be referring to it so often!

So, if your dog is currently dealing with cancer or you’d like to learn more about how to keep your dog healthy going forward, please do yourself a favor and order this book today. You won’t be disappointed.

CLICK HERE to order from 

About Kerry Malak

I am a Bulldog mom, Reiki Master/Teacher, pet loss counselor and canine cancer advocate who loves working with people and animals to help them live longer, happier and healthier lives.
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